"Let's Talk Nonprofit" is a blog by Third Sector Consulting that addresses common questions that nonprofits have. Questions about fundraising. Questions about grant writing. Questions about what's going on in the nonprofit sector today. Ready? Great! Let's Talk Nonprofit.

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How to Be Your Donor, and Why
"Be Your Donor Day." Have you heard of it? It's not a traditional holiday and it gets little fanfare. However, this simple concept has big implications for your nonprofit. Think of "Be Your Donor Day" as a time to measure your donors' giving experience. From testing your donation system to tracking your back office process, you want to make sure every donor's experience is a great one. (read more)

What Your Donors Really, Really Want
Donor retention is key to a nonprofit's annual campaign and overall fundraising success. Yet many donors focus on getting new donors, rather than keeping the ones they have. So, how do you keep donors? By giving them what they want. And what do donors want? It's surprisingly simple. Do these few simple things, and you'll drive donor commitment, loyalty and retention - and raise more money. (read more)

Storytelling Differences Grants vs Donor Appeals
All stories are not the same. In fact, your stories should be different - very different - depending on your audience. Data may tell, but it's your stories that sell. Your grant proposals will include lots of data, but your direct appeals to individual donors won't. So what kinds of stories should you tell, especially in your year-end donor appeals? (read more)

Is Your Writing Too Long, Too Short, or Just Right
Twitter recently increased the number of characters per tweet from 140 to 280. Just because you can say more, should you? The same question holds true for grants. If you're writing an online application and the response allows 300 words, do you need to use all 300 words? If it's a paper application, and you're allowed 5 pages, do you need to fill every page? And what about your donor appeals? What's the right length of the fundraising materials you write for your nonprofit? (read more)

Last-Minute Tips for Year-End Fundraising
Whether your nonprofit operates on a calendar year or fiscal year, what happens in December is critically important to your annual fundraising success. Giving spikes at the end of the year and fully one-third of December's gifts occur on December 31. So, how can you raise more money in the last four weeks of the year? Here are 4 actions you can take now to raise more money in the next 4 weeks. (read more)

21 Tips for Your Year-End Fundraising Appeal
When it comes to fundraising, what do you need to know? First, abandon the idea of a single "annual appeal." Asking for money is no longer a once-a-year activity. In fact, donors expect you to ask more often (and they respond when you do!), so don't wait until this time next year to ask again. Second, the primary focus of your appeal should be to keep your current donors – not attract new ones. Lastly, here are 21 tips and tricks to a better appeal, every time. (read more)

Are You Ready to Ask for and Receive Year-End Donations
Giving Tuesday is a day that encourages us to give to charity. And it's particularly timely since 'tis the season...the end-of-year fundraising season, that is. And, in order to get people to give, you need to ask. It's as simple as that. Here are some tips for reaching out by direct mail and by email, and also tips to getting your website ready to receive online donations. (read more)

Easy Ways to Use Email to Drive End-of-Year Donations
It happens every December. A lot of people will be out of the office. In fact, many nonprofits are closed the last three days of the year. Yet those are some of the busiest giving days of the year! Just because you're taking time off doesn't mean you should stop fundraising. This post offers a copy-and-paste message that will make it easy for your donor to give to your nonprofit in December, even when you're not there to help. (read more)

How Donor Behavior Has Changed in 2020 and What It Means for Year-End
Make no mistake. Fundraising will look different this year. For the first time since 2008, people are beginning to talk about stopping their giving. Why? Because they feel financially insecure. Some will stop their giving - but they don't want to. Others will give to causes that they see as especially important or relevant now. Bottom line: there's a "new hierarchy" of giving. These are the four types of charities donors may support this year. (read more)

Is Annual Giving Immune to COVID-19
Make no mistake. Fundraising will look different this year. For the first time since 2008, people are beginning to talk about stopping their giving. Why? Because they feel financially insecure. Some will stop their giving - but they don't want to. Others will give to causes that they see as especially important or relevant now. Bottom line: there's a "new hierarchy" of giving. These are the four types of charities donors may support this year. (read more)

A Perfect Storm or a Perfect Opportunity
There's no doubt that 2020 will go down as one of the most remarkable years in our history. A global pandemic. Record unemployment. A pivotal election. And now, the aftermath of a hurricane along with raging wildfires. You might think it's a perfect storm - that rare combination of events or circumstances, creating an unusually bad situation. I think it's a perfect opportunity for fundraisers. This post offers a bit of inspiration to help you navigate the rest of the year. (read more)

100 Board Giving Make It a Priority
New year, new goals! Are all of your board members "on board" with making an annual gift to your organization? If not, this is a great resolution for your nonprofit. Every nonprofit should strive for 100% board giving, every year. This post will help you and your board members understand why this is so important (especially if you're a grantseeker). You'll also learn how to get to 100% board giving. (read more)

3 Ways to Raise Money in the Last Weeks of the Year
Fundraising is never "one and done." And that's especially true for your year-end campaign. Successful campaigns will use a multi-channel approach. The big 3? Direct mail letters, emails, and phone calls. This post will look at how you can use each of these three to your advantage to help you have a successful campaign - and a great start to the new year! (read more)

From Good to Great - Better Fundraising Offers
Have you heard of the 40-40-20 rule? It has HUGE implications for your fundraising success. For years, direct mail marketers and advertisers have followed this cardinal rule. The "40-40-20 rule" states that the success of any campaign ultimately depends on these three factors: 40% on the audience, 40% on the offer, and 20% on the creative. This post will show you how to turn a good fundraising offer into a great one. (read more)

Fundraising: After the Storm

Fundraising After the Storm
Natural disasters are becoming commonplace. In the last 6 weeks alone, we've seen wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest. Rains triggering massive flooding in the Midwest and Southeastern United States. Record flooding in Japan. More flooding and landslides across China and South Asia. This is not to minimize the impact of Hurricane Dorian. Instead, this is a call to action: to minimize fundraising fallout from storms and natural disasters so your nonprofit can finish the year strong. (read more)

What Nonprofits Can Learn from The Godfather
Even if you've never seen "The Godfather," you probably know its most famous line. Marlon Brando, as Don Corleone, utters "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Take away the sinister tone, and you have a brilliant piece of fundraising advice. Your "offer" is a key part of any successful fundraising appeal. Yet far too many nonprofits fail to make any sort of offer at all. This post explores "offers," what they are, and how to use them in your next fundraising appeal. (read more)

How Your Thank You Letters Can Put More Money in the Bank
Sending a thank you letter is the first thing you do after you get a donation. But it shouldn't be the last thing you do! In fact, writing a terrific thank you letter is actually the first step in getting the next gift from that donor. That's why it's so important - not only to thank your donors but to thank them well. This post offers 3 tips to writing a great thank you letter as well as a 4-part formula to help you raise more money in 2019. (read more)

3 Things You Don't Want to Do In Your Year-End Fundraising Appeal
It's almost time. The time of year when your donors' mailboxes are filled with year-end fundraising appeals. If you haven't gotten your year-end appeal out the door yet, be sure to take a few minutes right now and read this post. Instead of things to do, you'll find three things you don't want to do. (This post was inspired by Steven Screen and The Better Fundraising Co.) (read more)

4 Ways to Raise More Money The 'Right' Ways
There's a saying in fundraising: You'll raise more money when the right person asks the right prospect for the right amount at the right time. While that's true for major donors and capital campaigns, it's also true for your general donors and your annual fund as well. This post explains 4 "right" ways to make sure you're writing a terrific fundraising letter, every day. You'll learn how to write a better fundraising letter for your year-end campaign - and any campaign, any time of year. (read more)

There's More Than One Way to Measure Success
For a lot of nonprofits, June 30 marks the end of the fiscal year. Most nonprofits use their bottom line as the primary measure of success. And many will use it as the only way to measure the success of their fundraising program. The thing is, meeting your budget numbers shouldn't be your only fundraising goal. (read more)

What Donors Do After A Disaster
After a disaster, people want to help. And donors to the relief efforts are very likely donors to other organizations - including yours. If you're not a relief organization, are you worried how Harvey (and now Irma) may impact your donations? Are you concerned about donor fatigue? That donors will be overasked and overcommitted by the end of the year? (read more)

5 Things To Do Before June 30
Ah, June. School's out. Pools are open. Vacation season is in full swing. Alas, summer isn't always a picnic for nonprofits. That's because the beginning of June also means the end of June isn't far away. And for many nonprofits, June 30 marks the end of their fiscal year. Regardless of where you are in your nonprofit's "year," there are five things you need to do now. (read more)

10 Tips for Year-End Fundraising Success
It's back-to-school time. And if you have kids - whether they're in kindergarten or starting college - you make a plan for getting ready for that all-important first day. What about your nonprofit? Are you getting ready for the most important time of your year? December can be make-or-break for your organization's annual budget. If you haven't started planning your year-end fundraising campaign, now's the time to start. And here are a few ideas to get you going. (read more)

What You Need To Know About GivingTuesday and GiveBIG Days
#GivingTuesday is the unofficial start to the year-end giving season. Held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, it follows one day of giving thanks, and two days of getting deals. #GivingTuesday started in 2012, and it's one of two national days of giving. #GiveLocal (or #GiveBig) started in 2014 and is held on the first Tuesday in May. These giving days are growing in size and momentum. And here's how to get your organization ready to participate. (read more)