"Let's Talk Nonprofit" is a blog by Third Sector Consulting that addresses common questions that nonprofits have. Questions about fundraising. Questions about grant writing. Questions about what's going on in the nonprofit sector today. Ready? Great! Let's Talk Nonprofit.

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The Top 10 Posts From the Past 10 Years
I'm sharing the most-read posts of the Let's Talk Nonprofit blog from the last decade. I re-read them all, and they're just as relevant today as when they were originally published. My goal was always to provide information that would help nonprofits grow and thrive. I'm grateful for all of the readers who made these posts so popular. Here's your top 10! (read more)

10 Essential Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
Did you know that "Board" and "Board Members" are not interchangeable terms? The board is the collective group of individual board members. Individuals have responsibilities, just as the group has responsibilities. Every nonprofit board, as the governing body of the nonprofit, has 10 fundamental responsibilities. Do your individual board members understand what the board is charged with? (read more)

The Year In Review Best of LetsTalkNonprofit in 2017
In case you missed a post (or just want to re-read a favorite), here are the top 5 articles from this past year. Rankings are based on email open rates and social shares. (read more)

Bylaws Are More Than A Buzzword
Being part of a nonprofit organization can feel a little crazy sometimes, don't you think? There's good news. Your bylaws can help stop the madness. Bylaws are an essential governance document and they should be revisited from time to time. Learn how to use your bylaws to guide and strengthen your organization. You'll also find an 11-point checklist for what your bylaws should include. (read more)

How Does Your Board Compare?

How Does Your Board Compare
It's not unusual for people to keep doing what they've always done...especially if they don't know any other way. Just knowing how your board compares to other nonprofits can help you see where there are opportunities for improvement. Here are 10 points you can measure against and what the data means for you. (read more)

The Best Boards Practice Good Governance
When I grow up, I want to be a BOARD MEMBER!" Said no child. Ever. So, it's not surprising that a lot of people join boards without really understanding what a board really does (or is supposed to do). The best boards practice good governance. But what does that really mean? And what does "good governance" look like? Essential governance practices are explained here, plus a 7-point checklist for you to use. (read more)

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